
This category is for the projects from the following subjects: Romanian Language, English Language, History, Geography, Educational Technology.

The subject of the project must be a social problem. The presentation must consist of the solutions for the social problem.

The owner of a project can be only one student.

The student must prepare a presentation. It might be a presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi.

The student is also supposed to prepare a display.

Every student will have a time interval of 10 min to present his/her project.

The language of the presentation is English or Ukrainian.

This category is for both primary and secondary school students.

The students are supposed to know detailed information about their projects. The jury will ask questions about details. Such as:

  • How did important characters and events affect the flow of history?
  • What are the dangers threaten the geographic place presented by the student?
  • What are the fundamental problems of a geographic place and what can be done to solve its problems?


DEBUNKING STEREOTYPES: In this project, students collect information about the cultural stereotypes of their countries. They can interview students from other countries, surf the Internet, and discuss with their friends. At the end, they set up a blog where they include all the evidence in the form of essays, images, and short clips that support their conclusion.


FLAT CLASSROOM™ PROJECT: This project is part of the emerging tend in internationally-aware schools to embrace a holistic and constructivist educational approach to work collaboratively with others around the world in order to create students who are competitive and globally-minded.

Webpage: and

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Students research the recipes of typical food dishes in their countries as well as the origin of the ingredients and recipes, and the legends and stories behind them.

Webpage: and

GLOBAL DREAMERS: PEACE PROJECT It inspires children to take a deeper look at the world by exploring, exchanging ideas, and using research tools, which supports a positive learning environment and a shared learning experience.


LISTEN TO THE WALLS TALKING:This project is an open, image-based project and an experiment in online collaboration. The idea behind it is to ‘listen’ to the graffiti talk around us and to record and share interesting finds utilizing the project main site at , Flickr group at , and wiki at .

ONE DAY IN THE LIFE:Students post messages and images describing ordinary and special days in their lives, and then make cross-cultural comparisons. In addition to ongoing forum activities there are scheduled “One Day” events when students around the world will document parts of one specific day using photography, writing, and other media.


POSTCARD GEOGRAPHY:Class-to-class exchange of picture postcards (purchased, computer or handmade). This project creates the opportunity to foster global friendships and can be a gateway to class-to-class exchanges of all kinds.


Boys and Girls All Around the Town

A Box Office Disappointment: Why the Book is Always Better than the Movie *

Can Adults Pass a Middle School Science Test? *

Can You Crowdsource a Better School Environment?

Decisions, Decisions: Judging a Book by Its Cover?


Every student is supposed to prepare and bring with him/her a video of between 2 – 4 min of his/her project with the following conditions:

  1. In the first 10 seconds of the movie, the student’s school name and its photo must appear.
  2. Then the running project must be shown in about 20 seconds. For social science projects, this is not the case.
  3. Then the student must introduce himself.
  4. Start explaining the project in a time interval of minimum 2 min. and maximum 4 min.
  5. The student must wear a school uniform.(in case)
  6. The video must be uploaded on YouTube which should be listed only (not publicly available).
  7. If possible, the student can make his/her presentation in front of a banner or roll-up of his school.