1st sub-category: Grades 5 through 8
2nd subcategory : Grades 9 through 12
Individual projects: 1 student per a project
Team projects : 2 students per a project
Language : English
This category is for the projects in the domain of Industry Product Design. It aims for primary schools to teach students how to think, how to design and how to be sensible towards the changing environment conditions. It aims for high school students to sense of awareness, and to introduce some basic values about the concept of design.
The designs have to be prepared in a way, so that they can provide answers for the following questions:
Prototype Model
Models and prototypes are needed when developing a product or design. Models are very useful in terms of monitoring at which point the design is. A design sample that bears a striking resemblance to your design would be helpful in order to receive successful results from the tests and evaluations related with your design.
for it during the exhibition stage. However, there are no limits related with the scales, and materials that are to be used for a prototype.
Every student is supposed to prepare and bring with him/her a video of between 2 – 4 min of his/her project with the following conditions: